Since 1955, Guinness World Records has been entertaining millions around the world by documenting and celebrating record breaking achievements. We’ve evolved from publisher of our best-selling annual book into the global authority on record breaking achievements. Along the way we’ve also become an entertainment company and world-class IP brand, with 97 per cent recognition (UK/US). Our success is down to the global appeal of record breaking, an enduring phenomenon that transcends borders and cultural differences. To put this into context, our annual book has sold more than 136 million copies in 100 countries while our television shows are watched by over 750 million viewers annually. In this digital age, our online content reaches an audience of more than 14.3 million and regularly goes viral. Along with celebrating individual achievements, we work with brands, businesses and charities, all seeking to harness the power of record breaking for PR, marketing, employee engagement or good cause awareness campaigns. A Guinness World Records title is a powerful point of difference for our clients, giving them a story to tell and targeted, bespoke content that their audiences will read, watch and share. So whether you’re seeking a unique product launch idea, company endorsement, charity fundraising initiative, experiential marketing opportunity, or a team building day with a difference – we can create campaigns that truly make an impact. So talk to us. All we need from you is a brief, and we’ll provide the record breaking ideas.