Power Play
Power Play 5.750 د.ك
العودة إلي المنتجات
At Home In The World
At Home In The World السعر الأصلي هو: 7.750 د.ك.السعر الحالي هو: 6.000 د.ك.

The Hidden Universe : Adventures in Biodiversity

We don’t know what we’ve got until it’s gone…

إشتري 2 كتاب وأحصل علي الثالث مجانا علي جميع الكتب

٥٠٪‏ علي جميع اصدرات ذات السلاسل أو اشتري كتابين واحصل علي الثالث مجانا علي جميع الكتب .

السعر الأصلي هو: 7.750 د.ك.السعر الحالي هو: 7.000 د.ك.

1 متوفر في المخزون

1 متوفر في المخزون

الترقيم الدولي : 9781529109160
8 من الزوار يشاهدون هذا المنتج الآن!
  • معلومات المنتج
دار النشر:Ebury Press
دولة النشر:
عام النشر:2022
الترقيم الدولي:9781529109160
  • بيانات أخري
الصفحات: 288
نوع الكتاب: Hardbook
تغليف الكتاب: hardback
التصنيف: , , , , , ,

وصف المنتج

We don’t know what we’ve got until it’s gone…

This brief, lucid book by the Director of Science at Royal Botanical Gardens takes you on an unforgettable tour of the natural world, showing how biodiversity – the rich variety of life in the world and in our own backyards – provides both the source and the salvation of our existence. Combining inspiration stories and the latest scientific research, Alex Antonelli reveals the wonders of biodiversity at a genetic, species and ecosystem level – what it is, how it works, and why it’s the most important tool in our battle against climate change.

A deeper understanding of biodiversity has never been more important, as the slow violence of habitat loss has put the fate of almost one-fifth of all species on Earth at risk of extinction in the coming decades. These building blocks of life form a network that underpins almost every aspect of our lives, providing invaluable sources of food, medicine, fibre, clothing, building material and more. With simplicity and clarity, The Hidden Universe shows you not only what’s at stake, but what can be done (and is already being done) to protect and restore biodiversity around the world. It marks the arrival of a bold new voice in popular science.

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