العودة إلي المنتجات
Leapfrog : The New Revolution for Women Entrepreneurs
Leapfrog : The New Revolution for Women Entrepreneurs السعر الأصلي هو: 5.500 د.ك.السعر الحالي هو: 5.000 د.ك.

Explorer Academy : The Nebula Secret

Adventure, danger, and a thrilling global mission await 12-year-old Cruz Coronado as he joins an elite school for explorers. Cruz leaves his tranquil home in Hawaii to join 23 talented kids from around the globe to train at the Explorer Academy with the world’s leading scientists to become the next generation of great explorers. But for Cruz, there’s more at stake.

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5.500 د.ك

غير متوفر في المخزون

غير متوفر في المخزون

إرسلي بريد إلكتروني عندما يكون متاح

الترقيم الدولي : 9781426331596
5 من الزوار يشاهدون هذا المنتج الآن!
  • معلومات المنتج
دار النشر:National Geographic Kids
المؤلف: ,
دولة النشر:
عام النشر:2018
الترقيم الدولي:9781426331596
  • بيانات أخري
الصفحات: 224
نوع الكتاب: Hardbook
تغليف الكتاب: Paperback
التصنيف: , , , , ,

وصف المنتج

Adventure, danger, and a thrilling global mission await 12-year-old Cruz Coronado as he joins an elite school for explorers. Cruz leaves his tranquil home in Hawaii to join 23 talented kids from around the globe to train at the Explorer Academy with the world’s leading scientists to become the next generation of great explorers. But for Cruz, there’s more at stake.

He arrives at the Academy no sooner than he discovers that his family has a mysterious past with the organisation that could jeopardise his future. Cruz must tackle the biggest question in codebreaking and excellent classes, new friends and augmented-reality expeditions: Who is out to get him and why? Readers can get in on the excitement with puzzles and codes embedded throughout.

With the help of his classmates, Cruz puts together pieces of a complicated puzzle. Suddenly, he finds himself at the centre of an international quest for a missing formula that only he can decode. By the time he boards the Academy’s flagship Polaris for his semester at sea, the fate of his friends, and maybe even the world, are in his hands.

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