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BodyWise : Discovering Your Body’s Intelligence for Lifelong Health and Healing

Body Depletion. The condition can be related to weight gain, high blood pressure, exhaustion, and many other symptoms that leave the body run down. In BodyWise, Dr Rachel shows us not only how to treat the symptoms that plague us but offers strategies for optimum health and lifelong healing.

إشتري 2 كتاب وأحصل علي الثالث مجانا علي جميع الكتب

٥٠٪‏ علي جميع اصدرات ذات السلاسل أو اشتري كتابين واحصل علي الثالث مجانا علي جميع الكتب .

السعر الأصلي هو: 6.750 د.ك.السعر الحالي هو: 2.000 د.ك.

غير متوفر في المخزون

غير متوفر في المخزون

إرسلي بريد إلكتروني عندما يكون متاح

الترقيم الدولي : 9781509816507
17 من الزوار يشاهدون هذا المنتج الآن!
  • معلومات المنتج
دار النشر:Pan Macmillan Publishers
دولة النشر:
عام النشر:2017
الترقيم الدولي:9781509816507
  • بيانات أخري
الصفحات: 288
نوع الكتاب: Hardbook
تغليف الكتاب: Paperback
التصنيف: , , , , , , ,

وصف المنتج

Body Depletion. The condition can be related to weight gain, high blood pressure, exhaustion, and many other symptoms that leave the body run down. In BodyWise, Dr Rachel shows us not only how to treat the symptoms that plague us, but offers strategies for optimum health and lifelong healing.

Dr. Rachel presents an integrative approach that balances conventional medicine, wellness practices, and intuition to heal the body both physically and emotionally. Exploring the causes of today’s most chronic health issues, BodyWise teaches women to understand the body’s innate wisdom, and to use a customized 28-day plan to restore their five fundamentals of health: eating, sleeping, moving, loving, and finding purpose. Written with the wisdom of a top physician but the warmth and humor of a close friend, BodyWise is a compelling and life-changing work that delivers hope, knowledge, and advice on how to live a life that is healthy and truly fulfilling.

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