العودة إلي المنتجات
Harbor Me
Harbor Me السعر الأصلي هو: 4.000 د.ك.السعر الحالي هو: 1.000 د.ك.

Bad Choices : How Algorithms Can Help You Think Smarter and Live Happier

‘The best business book I’ve ever read.’ Bill Gates, Wall StreA relatable, interactive, and funny exploration of algorithms, those essential building blocks of computer science – and of everyday life – from the author of the wildly popular Bad Arguments.et Journal’The Michael Lewis of his day.

إشتري 2 كتاب وأحصل علي الثالث مجانا علي جميع الكتب

٥٠٪‏ علي جميع اصدرات ذات السلاسل أو اشتري كتابين واحصل علي الثالث مجانا علي جميع الكتب .

4.750 د.ك

غير متوفر في المخزون

غير متوفر في المخزون

إرسلي بريد إلكتروني عندما يكون متاح

الترقيم الدولي : 9781473650787
8 من الزوار يشاهدون هذا المنتج الآن!
  • معلومات المنتج
دار النشر:John Murray
دولة النشر:
عام النشر:2018
الترقيم الدولي:9781473650787
  • بيانات أخري
الصفحات: 160
نوع الكتاب: Hardbook
تغليف الكتاب: Paperback
التصنيف: , , , , , , ,

وصف المنتج

A relatable, interactive, and funny exploration of algorithms, those essential building blocks of computer science – and of everyday life – from the author of the wildly popular Bad Arguments.

Algorithms — processes that are made up of unambiguous steps and do something useful — make up the very foundations of computer science. Yet, they also inform our choices in approaching everyday tasks, from managing a pile of clothes fresh out of the dryer to deciding what music to listen to.

With Bad Choices, Ali Almossawi presents twelve scenes from everyday life that help demonstrate and demystify the fundamental algorithms that drive computer science, bringing these seemingly elusive concepts into the understandable realms of the everyday.

Readers will discover how:
* Matching socks can teach you about search and hash tables
* Planning trips to the store can demonstrate the value of stacks
* Deciding what music to listen to shows why link analysis is all-important
* Crafting a succinct Tweet draws on ideas from compression
* Making your way through a grocery list helps explain priority queues and traversing graphs
* And more

As you better understand algorithms, you’ll also discover what makes a method faster and more efficient, helping you become a more nimble, creative problem-solver, ready to face new challenges. Bad Choices will open the world of algorithms to all readers making this a perennial go-to for fans of quirky, accessible science books.

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